UPDATE: Diary edited to delete reference to the Black Agenda Report as I have been apprised of some unfortunate associations there which I cannot support. The message of the diary remains the same.
As a more-or-less lifelong Democrat, I have been increasingly disturbed over the years by the ongoing revelations of Democratic complicity in some exceedingly foul deeds, including the most shameful war of modern times and the greatest heist in all of human history.
They're saying the tab for the unnecessary, immoral and unjustifiable Iraq war is going to come in at up to 6 Trillion when all the interest, etc is added up. All-in-all a pretty huge and horrible ripoff no matter how you tote it all up. And that's just the dollars. No one's talking about the lives lost and mangled or the damage done. No one seems concerned about the dead, the crippled or the bereaved, or that we've made so many more people hate us.
It wasn't just Republicans who did this. And don't look now but they're doing it again.